1. Applicability

1.1. These terms and conditions apply to all product licenses & services rendered by LifeVersity and its affiliates. The NRTO General Terms & Conditions will apply to product licenses & services rendered by LifeVersity to consumers (in case of conflict, NRTO terms and conditions for consumers will have priority over these terms and conditions).

1.2. By registering for any of our courses you accept these terms and conditions. You can find the terms and conditions on our website. If you would like to receive a copy of these for your records, please contact support and we will send it to you. 

1.3. We may update these terms and conditions from time to time. Please check our website for the latest version of the terms that apply. 

1.4. LifeVersity may provide access to third-party services for the purpose of the course. The use of these tools is subject to the terms & conditions and the privacy policy of the relevant provider. 

2. Registration & Deposit

2.1. LifeVersity courses are available to Erasmus University Rotterdam students and alumni only. LifeVersity courses are possible thanks to the support of the Community for Learning and Innovation who provides a budget to host the trainings. This means that Erasmus University Rotterdam through the Community for Learning and Innovation is paying for the operations and educations costs of the trainings.

2.2 On our website you find an overview of the courses we offer. By clicking on the course, we direct you to the registration page. All the details of the course, including dates and price, are stated on the course page.

2.3. Payment of the deposit fee (€20) is due in order to secure registration and  access the content (if relevant to the course), unless it is agreed otherwise with LifeVersity.

      2.3.1. Since the courses are completely free for students and alumni since Erasmus University Rotterdam is financing them, the deposit will be refunded under the condition of successful completion of the course which entails 80% attendance rate, delivery of the final assignment and fulfilment of the end of the course survey. For masterclasses, it entails 100% attendance rate, delivery of the final assignment and fulfilment of the end of the course survey.

      2.3.2. If a student does not successfully complete the course, the deposit will not be refunded as a penalty for taking the spot from another student. 

      2.3.3. The deposit and EduBadge will be sent to the students  (EUR students and alumni only) within two weeks of concluding the course.

3. Data protection

3.1. LifeVersity will need from you:

      3.1.1. Names and email addresses, telephone number, student email (for the course, access to the online learning environment and for awarding EduBadges)

      3.1.2. Information about your studies (ERNA ID, study program, year) and demographics for internal reports.

3.2. LifeVersity will store this information safely in its own systems, using the same standard of care applied to its own sensitive data.

3.3. The information will be deleted after 1-year in order to provide the students with more opportunities during their academic life. Information about your studies and demographics will be anonymised and kept for internal reports.

3.4. LifeVersity is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

4. Confidentiality

4.1. Please respect the confidentiality of any information shared in class, whether by the trainers, any of the participants of the live course or members of our online community. LifeVersity and its trainers will keep confidential any confidential information shared by the participants in class.

5. Access to online learning environment

5.1. We provide all of our customers with access to our course environment on the CANVAS platform using your existing ERNA ID.

5.2. Access to the online learning environment is strictly personal and you may not share your log-in details.

5.3. You may share content within your organization, subject to our fair use policy. You may not use any content to offer services that overlap with LifeVersity’s services.

6. Sharing LifeVersity Content

6.1. You are welcome to use all of our images and text in our blog / website, as long as you mention the source and include a “link to the original. For the avoidance of doubt, you are not welcome to share any of the information provided to you in the course materials as long as they have not been publicly shared by LifeVersity in our blog / website.

7. Intellectual property rights

7.1. LifeVersity shall always remain the sole owner of any and all intellectual property rights relating its brand and courses designed in-house. External trainers are owners of any and all intellectual property rights relating the course materials they have created that were not provided by LifeVersity. These materials may also not be shared in any way. If any course content would be shared, we may deny you further access to the course and/or the online learning environment. It is strictly forbidden to use any of our content (slides, reading list, exercises) for commercial training/services/workshops.

7.2. Intellectual property rights shall mean any and all intellectual property rights, including without limitation course material, know-how, processes, designs, logo, software, source code and branding.

8. Rights regarding on online course

8.1. Registering for an online course gives you access from LifeVersity to the CANVAS educational environment of our course.

8.2. This access is generally a permanent access license to the content. You will have access to it as long as your ERNA ID is still valid.

8.3. These rights are in the form of a limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable license from LifeVersity to access and view the course content for which you registered.

8.4. LifeVersity reserves the right to revoke any access and use any content at any point in time in the event where we decide or are obligated to disable access to the content due to legal, policy or operational reasons.

9. Cancellation policy for online courses and live courses and masterclasses

9.1. Due to the courses being financed by Erasmus University Rotterdam through the Community for Learning and Innovation (CLI), each time a student enrols, EUR and CLI are assuming 100% with the condition that the student finishes the course. If the student cancels their participation on the course or drops out during time frame of the course, there will be no refund of the deposit.

9.2. A student is entitled to an automatic refund of the deposit under the following circumstances:

      9.2.1. In the unlikely event LifeVersity has to cancel the course you booked, we will inform you in due course and you may attend the next course that fits your schedule. If for some reason you cannot follow another course, we will reimburse you the amount paid for the course booked.

      9.2.2. In the event that a student requests to be unenrolled from a course before the registration deadline (this excludes the extension of a deadline, since this is done for courses that still have spots available to fill them up).

      9.2.3. In the event that a students finishes the course successfully which entails a 80% minimum attendance, delivery of the final assignment and end of the course survey.

9.3. Partial refunds will happen in the event that the course has already started, early termination is possible. LifeVersity will reimburse you 25% of the deposit and keep 75% of the deposit (as start-up costs) and as a penalty for taking a spot from another student. For clarity, LifeVersity considers early termination to be the period between the registration deadline and up to the first week of class.

9.4. If you have started a course or masterclass and you need to withdraw from the program due to special reasons (i.e. extreme personal health condition or an unavoidable situation such as relatives pass away, etc), please let us know as soon as possible. In this case we can arrange a transfer to the next available program for you. Please note that deferment is only possible during the current academic year. If, in such a case, you choose not to follow another program at LifeVersity, you will receive a partial refund of your deposit.

11. Limited liability

11.1. LifeVersity is an educational initiative of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

11.2. It shall not be liable for any damages caused by a participant.

12. Invoicing and payment

12.1. The deposit is excluded from VAT.

12.2. The customer shall pay the deposit seven days after the online booking, or before the registration deadline, whatever happens first, unless agreed otherwise.

12.3. In case of late payment, LifeVersity cannot guarantee a spot on the course. If spots have already been taken, a full refund will be made.

13. Force Majeure

13.1. In the event of a force majeure situation (overmacht), within the meaning of article 6:75 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek), LifeVersity has the right to suspend their obligations from our contract with you or to terminate our contract with you with immediate effect, without being liable for compensation. This is mutual, so you can also suspend your obligations or terminate your contract with LifeVersity in the event of force majeure. We will both do our best to resolve the force majeure situation as quickly as possible.

14. Complaints

14.1. In case you have a complaint about our course or a trainer, you can submit a complaint according to our complaints procedure. You can do so by emailing our course manager at hrusc@risbo.eur.nl or sending a message to +421 944 591 136.



If you have an idea for a course, or you are part of a student association and think to develop a course with us, please contact us at info@lifeversity.nl

© 2023 LifeVersity All rights reserved.